Fif 232c Cat

Ham Radio Deluxe and the FT-736R

The Yaesu FT-736R is a legendary radio in amateur satellite circles. One problem, however, has been its inability to work with the wonderful Ham Radio Deluxe software. The 736 has an early implementation of the CAT interface, and unfortunately the only items that can be queried from the 736 thru the CAT interface are the squelch condition and the S Meter value. Ham radio deluxe is built on a model that requires much more to be read from the radio, so it seems they are incompatible. Until NOW!

Description The FIF-232C is a TTL-to-RS-232C level adapter which allows external control of Yaesu CAT System transceivers and receivers by a personal computer. The FIF-232C converts between the 0/+5 volts at the CAT jack of the radio and the +15/-15 volts used by IEEE-standard RS-232C serial ports commonly used on PCs. The Yaesu FIF-232C CATis an outboard interface system required by some Yaesu models for interfacing the radio to a serial port of a PC. The FIF-232C converts TTL levels required by the radio to the RS-232C levels required by the computer. There is an input jack on the front and a PTT input jack on the right side. FIF-232C CAT System Interface To control the FT- 1000 from an RS-232C serial port Of an external personal computer, use the FIF-232C to convert the TTL levels required by the transceiver to the RS-232C levels required by the serial port. A cable is included for connection between the transceiver.

Fif 232c Cat

This project started in the summer of 2010. My idea was to write some software that would appear to HRD as a radio. I surveyed all of the radios supported by HRD and found the FT-847 to be the best candidate in terms of compatibility and functionality. My software fakes out HRD into thinking it is talking to an FT-847, hence the term “emulator”. I then take all of the information stored in registers in my virtual FT-847 in my software and use them to control the 736. The effort worked perfectly, and I released a Youtube video at

This software was not meant to be a final implementation, rather it was a proof of concept that the idea would work. My intention was to eventually get around to doing the same thing in hardware. The Windows software implementation needs three serial ports to work, or a serial port emulator and 1 “real” serial port. The hardware approach would just be a simple small box between the computer running HRD and the 736.

In my Youtube video, I mentioned the hardware approach and my willingness to work with others to make it happen. In the spirit of true ham radio collaboration, one fine fellow took up the challenge, Chuck N6BIL. I sent him my software and described what I did and gave him some data, and he ran with it. He has duplicated my windows approach in the hardware implementation I had envisioned. He made his own Youtube video showing his results at

Originally, I had decided not to release my windows software. I considered it merely a tool for producing the hardware version. The software is not pretty and polished. I have gotten so many requests for it, that I will make it available here, but the price is absolutely no support since this is free. I will give a brief description that I gave to Chuck on how to set it up and that is all.

Information on Chuck’s hardware version will appear here as well. The schematic and board files, as well as software will be available for download.

Somebody has taken the effort of Chuck and myself and now offers a complete ready to use package. See the link below

Fif 232c cat interface

Yaesu Fif-232c Cat

Feel free to leave comments on the Youtube sites.

Fif 232c Cat System Interface

Information on my Software version can be found here.

Information on Chucks Hardware version can be found here.

Fif-232c Cat System Interface

A fully built and tested product is now available from Dave Norris, KG9AE. See his product page at

73Dave KA6BFB